Building Bridges Report - Addressing the barriers faced by refugee entrepreneurs
Supporting Refugee Entrepreneurs in the Victorian Start-Up Ecosystem
In 2019, the ygap Australia team was commissioned by LaunchVic to compile a report addressing the barriers facing refugee entrepreneurs in accessing support networks and resources in the Victorian ecosytem.
From this co-designed research and our work with diverse communities, we know that one of the big challenges is that there is not enough support, especially in the idea and validate stages, for migrant and refugee entrepreneurs.
And because at ygap we are all about solutions, we are extremely proud to present this report just after our launch of the First Gens 2.0 pre-accelerator in partnership with Catalysr and funded by Launch Vic which has been developed to bridge the gap between the ideation, validation and growth phases for migrant and refugee enterprises so that they can grow and thrive in the ecosystem.
Read our Building Bridges report here by following the link below: