Resilience in the face of COVID-19

The topic of resilience is more important than ever in the context of COVID-19. 

ygap is and will continue to support local impact ventures to ensure they survive this crisis and subsequent downturn. We’re currently mobilising our programmatic teams to understand how we can best support our portfolio ventures through this challenging time. We’re reaching out to our alumni ventures to understand how they’re planning to work through the challenges of COVID-19 and what areas of support they need, so that we can determine where we can best play a role in helping them through this difficult time.

In the meantime, we’ve developed a Resiliency Toolkit that outlines clear actions ventures can take to increase their resiliency in response to unexpected shocks, such as a pandemic.

The guide breaks down actions that a venture can take to prepare for an unexpected event and reduce its impact on their business. Where possible, we have included examples and case studies from real businesses who have put these practices in place.

Recognising that a crisis like this requires collaboration and solidarity, we’ve made the toolkit open-source and are sharing it with all of our ecosystem partners to ensure that it helps as many ventures as possible. Please feel free to use and share this resource within your own networks.

With love and compassion, 

The entire ygap team

Access the Toolkit